Today's topic is Mexican food, which, if you are an alive human being living in anything but the most extreme levels of poverty or isolation, you have likely tried and love. I haven't made a serious effort to research this, but I'm pretty sure that there exists no human in the world who has ever tried Mexican food and not liked it.
I'll admit, I'm not a food expert; I'm not even a Mexican food expert. However, I am capable of running an experiment right here, on myself.
Behold the following images:
What do all of these images have in common besides the fact that they all depict delicious Mexican food? It's the effect they have on my stomach.
Having spent the past 2 minutes procuring these images from the web and inserting them into this post, I have become EXTREMELY hungry for Mexican food. I'm honestly unsure why I'm even keeping up this charade that this post is anything but a way for me to kill time until it's not 4PM and more like 5 or 6PM when it's a more reasonable time to eat dinner.
Yes, I'm sorry, you have been duped. This isn't actually a post worth reading at all, I'm just here to ramble on about how much I like Mexican food.
Anyways, I'm planning on eating alone. It's no big deal, when you're single you tend to eat alone a lot if you still are intent on eating out somewhat frequently. Also, eating alone is kind of neat as a way of isolating yourself within a public environment. You're there at a table by yourself, eating away, probably also looking at your phone. At the same time, however, you're also in a public space surrounded by people doing the same thing as you. You get the social energy from being around people, along with the serenity of being by yourself.
Am I just justifying not having to try to get a friend to come with me? Probably. Either way, I'm going to get some Mexican food in me within the next hour and a half and that's a good thing.
On second thought, maybe that's not a good thing. An hour and a half is a long time and I'm hungry now. Take a look at those images again. Mmmm... Yes, an hour and a half from now is too long to wait. What's more, I've had an epiphany. If I go now, I'll be eating at an odd time, which means there will be less people, which in spite of everything I just talked about concerning social energy and whatnot is still a good thing generally, and less people also means I'll probably get my food sooner.
Yes, it's all becoming clear now. I've got to stop writing this post immediately and eat some Mexican food.
Before that, a quick recap of what we have learned. FACT: Mexican food is the best, this is an undisputed fact by all accounts. FACT: eating alone can be nice sometimes, though I wish it were easier to convince my friends to come and eat with me in any event. FINAL FACT: if you reheat Mexican food, it tastes basically the same, this is pretty rare in the food world and a great property to have for any type of food, it really makes getting extras you can't eat in a to-go box a no-brainer and helps you wring the most value out of every meal. That said, at least for right now, I'll definitely not need a box after eating at wherever I'm about to go because I've worked up such an appetite just writing this that I think I could eat two or three whole entrees.
Anyways, here's a great Mexican song that my brothers and I always laugh at. It came on over the radio when I was eating at a Mexican joint the other day and I pretty much spat out my food. Enjoy!
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